When Bitterness Freezes Your Heart

Days like today I need this reminder…

It’s been almost a year since I wrote this post… in some ways not much has changed- it’s definitely frigid outside and I still haven’t successfully stayed pregnant beyond the first trimester. But in other ways a lot has changed- particularly steps forward in God healing my heart and rebuilding my faith.

Random fact- this experience of seeing the morning sun rise above the horizon and transform the landscape around me was inspiration for starting this blog.

I hope this analogy can be an encouragement to you, whatever you’re walking through.


The world is draped in gothic ice daggers in the pre-dawn gloom. My car inches cautiously along the icy country roads, surrounded by the frozen landscape, unmistakably changed by last night’s ice storm. Nature around me expresses a cold that pervades into the soul, and every brittle tree stands like a dark sentinel in a mass of black forest.

But not for long…

As I crested a hill, …  continue reading here.”

One thought on “When Bitterness Freezes Your Heart

  1. So beautifully written.

    “This pain is no longer the enemy to drive me farther away from God. Instead it is the paintbrush that is being used by God to artistically sculpt a landscape so breathtaking that I wonder in awe at my God who transforms our pain and sorrow into something beautiful.”

    Miss you friend! Hugs, Cass 🙂

    Cassie Anderson Sagacious Living, LLC Your Health & Wellness Coach Partnered with #1 Natural Nutrition in the World (608) 469-9848 mobile

    Online Wellness Store sagaciousliving.myshaklee.com


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